Sunday, November 16, 2014

Walking Caricature

As far back as I can remember, I’ve been a walking caricature. There has always been something about my appearance that compels people with artistic ability to render me as a cartoon. The above caricature was done by a ninth grader last year. And like this one, there have been countless more student drawings. Sadly, few have survived the passage of time. But now, thanks to personal computers, I get to save them on my hard drive.

And computers are now playing a creative part in allowing me to live on in caricature. In a matter of seconds, for example, a student sketched this one last year on an Ipad.

And how could I not love this caricature commissioned by two former students—and today close friends—from my days as a college professor? This was carved and painted on wood.

Then there are those who use the more vivid medium of photography to caricaturize me.

But on occasion there is a true artist who persists in trying to capture my true essence. In this case, I’m referring to Sammy Fallas, currently a student at Ringling College of Art and Design, in Florida, who got plenty of practice honing his sketching skills thanks to me.

Here’s a rendition Sammy drew when he was a ninth grader. I guess I had significant girth at the time.

Sammy drew this caricature when he was an eleventh grader.

Then, as a senior, when Sammy was a student in a yearlong class I taught on Don Quijote de la Mancha, he came up with this.

And last week, as a freshman in college, Sammy doodled this masterpiece in a moment of boredom. It is, indeed, lovely to be remembered.

Still, Sammy’s greatest gift to me was this portrait of Don Quijote at the moment he goes insane from reading too many novels about chivalry. Erinn and I framed this wonderful rendition and it hangs in a place of honor in our home.

Thus, as anyone can see, being a walking caricature has its sweet rewards.


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