Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The Magic of Nacimientos

One of my earliest childhood memories is of the elaborate nacimientos my paternal grandmother used to assemble every Christmas in her home in Los Angeles.

The sprawling, elaborate layout took up half of her livingroom, with the fireplace serving as the manger.  As a child, I'd stand in awe before the collection of toy animals, vehicles, miniature houses and people, plants, and countless other decorations that my grandmother lovingly spent days arranging.

Over the years, the memory has acquired a magical quality, as if every creature represented in the Christmas display had been alive, indeed.  Perhaps that's why nacimientos keep appearing in my novels--in my mind, they're the most miraculous symbols of the season.

The article, "Nativity Scenes Serve as Cultural Pride, Tradition," explains the importance that nacimientos play in the cultural continuity of the Latin American diaspora of the United States.


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